Profile Bounds ยป

The Profile Bounds node allows you to enter the bounds for the variables, for every case and period. These bounds are used only when the variable is selected as Optimize in Control Profiles node.

Grid Views


Grid Views

Profile Bounds

Profile Bounds

This grid is used to enter lower and upper bounds for each period and case. The bounds you provide for the periods must be able to allow continuity for the variable considered. Consecutive periods should not have bounds that are disjoint. For example, the upper bound of period i should be greater than the lower bound for period i+1. REX includes some checks in the Solver → CheckModel view that may help you to identify when the continuity condition may be violated.

The Profile Bounds grid is organised in the following columns:
  • The Case column.
  • The Variable column, that displays all the variables selected as Optimize in the Control Profiles node.
  • The Period column.
  • The Lower Bound column, where you can enter the lower bound for the related variables in each case and period. The default value is 0.
  • The Value column, where you can enter a value that will be the starting point for the REX run. The default value is 0.
  • The Upper Bound column, where you can enter the upper bound for the related variables in each case and period. The default value is 0.

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Initialize Bounds

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Initialize Bounds
Initialize Bounds is used to fill automatically the bounds for the variables. It has two sub-actions:

Current Values
With this option you can autofill the minimum and maximum values with the current values.

By Percent of Current
This action is used to enter the bounds as percentage of the current values. On executing Initialize Bounds → By Percent of Current, a Parameters Dialog appears, requesting additional information:
  1. Select the desired Case from the list. You may also select All Cases Included.
  2. Select the period for which you want to initialize bounds. You may also select All Periods.
  3. Select the variable for which you want to initialize the bounds.
  4. Select the lower limit number and the upper limit number as a percentage of the current. The default values correspond to 90 and 110 % respectively.
  5. Click OK, and the bounds will be filled.

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See Also: